Health risks/challenges associated with the organisation of mass gatherings

Publié le 10 juillet 2024

Although major sporting events are great occasions for bringing people together, their sheer scale also means there are health issues at stake that call for particular precautions. In this context, Santé publique France was asked to draw up a risk map. To do this, our staff worked with international counterparts and partners to identify health events that could potentially occur, which is a key first step in effective surveillance. The mapping was based on a review of the scientific literature relating to mass gatherings, France’s experience of hosting other mass gatherings such as the Rouen Armada and Euro 2016, and the health risks identified in France and internationally in 2024.

What are the health issues associated with mass gatherings?

  • Large numbers of people are concentrated in the same place at the same time
  • Temporary reception or catering facilities need to be set up
  • A greater number of people are exposed to environmental risks in a given place
  • Diseases not usually present in a country can be imported
  • It is potentially more complex to implement prevention and control measures in a mobile population speaking a range of languages and with differing healthcare practices
  • The event could potentially be the target of malicious actions
  • An increased demand for care could lead to overcrowding of facilities and potentially lengthen waiting times
  • There could be stock shortages of medicines sold in pharmacies due to higher demand

What are the main risks that have been identified?

  • Natural and environmental risks (heatwave, air or water pollution, flooding, etc.)
  • Risks of infection (arboviruses, outbreaks of food poisoning or other food-related infections, measles, legionella, and other respiratory infectious diseases, etc.) but also imported cases of highly contagious diseases or emerging diseases
  • Technological risks (fire, explosion, etc.)
  • Social risks (overdose, excessive consumption of alcohol, etc.) or risks linked to collective behaviour (crowd movements, etc.)
  • Terror risks

For the 2024 Olympic Games, the infectious diseases that Santé publique France will focus on are food-borne infections, arboviruses (chikungunya, dengue, zika) and measles. Close attention will also be paid to heat-related risks if there is a heatwave during the Games. Using the surveillance systems already in place and those deployed for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Santé publique France will be well-positioned to monitor the risks and challenges associated with mass gatherings.