France faced an unusual situation of dengue transmission in 2022, with 65 autochthonous cases spread over nine transmission events by 21 October. This exceeded the number of cases observed during the entire period 2010 to 2021. Six of these events occurred in departments that had never experienced autochthonous dengue transmission. We provide an update of dengue surveillance data in mainland France in 2022. The multiplication of transmission events calls for continuous adaption of preparedness and response to arbovirus-related risks.
Auteur : Cochet Amandine, Calba Clémentine, Jourdain Frédéric, Grard Gilda, Durand Guillaume André, Guinard Anne, Noël Harold, Paty Marie-Claire, Franke Florian
Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin, 2022, vol. 27, n°. 44, p. pii=2200818